February 1st, 2008
Did you hear what happened to Emo?
Alright it’s February! I think I’ve made my point… uhm… my point being that I’m gonna update every Monday and Friday and that I’ve been on a Epic Win streak since I started. 🙂
I’m sleepy.
February 1st, 2008 at 06:14
What’s going on in panel 4?
February 1st, 2008 at 06:40
TOM: Yeah, I was thinking about fixing frame #4. Emo’s Durochipod was supposed to have been stolen.
February 1st, 2008 at 07:24
Well… yeah… but where does all the smoke come into it? Or is that visual shorthand for “A Lot Of Peopleâ€?
And the dialogue in the 2nd panel sounds like he was robbed of his wallet, rather than him leaving it somewhere as the caption suggests…
February 1st, 2008 at 12:33
TOM: Ayeyaiyai… that’s supposed to be people. I neglected to mention that he was on a bus at the time as well. Big time edits ahoy!
As for frame 2, I might fix up the dialogue but the intention was that Emo could have prevented his wallet from getting stolen but he believed that nothing he could have done would have changed anything. I want to present Emo with a very defeatist attitude.
February 1st, 2008 at 13:36
Yeah, I was gonna say “subway”, but same drill… Maybe the occasional facial feature would help…
February 1st, 2008 at 15:01
TOM: Yeah I might just redo that entire frame, I think I can do a better job of it.
February 1st, 2008 at 16:32
I like how the story is progressing now!
February 1st, 2008 at 22:18
JASON: I like how you like how the story is progressing now! 🙂