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Archive for April, 2007

Revisions Nearly Complete….

Bjournal Post: April 30th, 2007

( Alright, Chapter One is done. ) I managed to do nine of these “Step Two” revisions, and I have twenty seven to go. That means I can get the rest done in about three days (that is, three days worth of effort). Then I’ll be done, and then I can start working on new […]

Revisions Slowly Making Their Way Online…

Bjournal Post: April 15th, 2007

( Starting with page 6… ) The hardest part is over, now somes the page-by-page finalization process. You might also notice some dialogue revisions…. some of what people have to say kinda annoyed me, so they’re being rewritten. I’m gonna try to do as many as I can over the past week, but I’ve also […]

Current Progress Of Archive Revisions….

Bjournal Post: April 10th, 2007

As you might already know, I’ve been working hard to revise the Moose River archives. This came mostly because enough people have criticized my chicken-scratch writing, plus I want the pages to look nice when I finally get them bound into a book. Now revisions is a two-step process. Step One is to go through […]

Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.