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Emo Discovers AI Chat – Ezra & Emo first meet (Part 2/3)

Part two from yesterday showing when Ezra and Emo first met at a mutual friend’s bar-time event. They’re back at his place now. (Holy shit that waifu line worked!!)

Actually this is sort of a comic × fan art of 2B from Nier Automata. Yes, Nier Automata is BABBYS FIRST NIETZCHE, but I don’t care. If I want to be reminded that EVERYTHING IS POINTLESS with heaping spoonfuls of BOOBA, then I’m an adult and I can get that with my adult money.

hehe booba

This picture is technically only 95% done… 2B’s top is actually black, but I really don’t want to mess this busy picture up anymore than it is. Let’s just pretend it’s black.

And yes, I’m sure jokes in this have probably already been done to death, but I also don’t care. It’s so refreshing to not care.

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.