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Mom? Are

Yap, this is me posting comics outside of my originally established “Monday-Friday” deal. Blah, who cares.

I don’t like how I transition between the second and third frame, so I might fix this up. I would have done so tonight, but I’m tired. Good night.

EDIT, October 18th – OK, I made my fix; I added in frames 3 and 4, pushing the original frames 3 and 4 into 5 and 6, respectively. The original frames 5 and 6 will make an appearance at some other point very soon, maybe within 24 hours or so.

Now this Friday and Saturday I will be north in Occidental, away from the internet (I think), so I might not get any pages up if I don’t get a page in within 24 hours or so. I’ll be back Sunday night. In this time though, I’ll maybe draw up a new page or two. We’ll see how things go.

Oh and BTW, October 20th is my birthday! Buy me something?

EDIT, October 22nd – OK I made yet another fix. I dropped the condom frame and got rid of Anne in her Pippi Longstocking costume. I’ve got the next few pages sorted out, so I don’t think I’ll need to do these kinds of reedits again for now.

20080904: – The original versions I had for this page can be seen here: The first version originally posted on October 14th, the reedited version made on the 18th. The current version is the one made on the 22nd.

4 Responses to “Mom? Are”

  1. Tom sezzzzz:

    I think the old one was better. Either way, “Pippi” appears out of nowhere, which is itself sort of a continuity bugaboo for me. Last time we saw her, Anne was in the booth and Mom was driving off. It’s not like the first three panels which one would assume took place inside the same house, so it’s not AS jarring as seeing Anne in the booth at one point and in the next – possibly on a facing page, when the printed edition comes out – she’s at home, seemingly having beaten Mom to the door despite the fact that Mom had a good head start in an SUV. Or am I horribly wrong?

    And Mom’s comment re: the rubbers sounded too… hell, I dunno. Forced? Revelation-y? My vote would’ve been “Cherry flavored? When did I get these?”, since the reader already sees the bathroom cabinet well-stocked with hosebags…

  2. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:


    Well with the original, “Pippi” really popped out of nowhere. Aside from my own initial realization, I had a few other people bring that up to me. Now here I think I soften the blow, but, come to think about it, “Pippi” still does appear out of nowhere. The intention is that both Betty and Anne are home and that, later in the evening, Betty is getting ready for her date. Now I COULD parallel both Betty and Anne getting ready for their respective appointments, or I might just cut out all of Anne’s scenes. I’m open to any suggestions at this point on how to deal with it.

    Concerning the rubbers panel, I originally had her say “Mmm, chocolate?” but it was met with some criticism with my friends who were watching me draw it up. They suggested I write something more obvious, but I think maybe I did it too obvious. I might delete the panel outright if I end up redoing the page as a Betty/Anne parallel dressing-up thing, or just use what you said.

    What do you think?

    … On a side note, I like this kind of discourse between you guys and myself. I never liked the idea of keeping my pages set in stone like other webcomics would.

  3. Tom sezzzzz:

    Although I will say I DO like having their mutual disgust be the last panel of the page, regardless of what you do…

  4. Pete sezzzzz:

    Dude, you have the same birthday as my brother! Happy birthday to you. 🙂

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.