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Dude… when you live in Lodi, did you

Wow, what a weekend! Anyways… this was actually a comic I had to make before I posted any others… I kinda felt that the last comic wasn’t enough to properly introduce Thaddeus with, so I added some extra tidbits which I feel help flesh him out a bit.


Plippy (Jul 20, 2006, 1:03):
Roscoe: I am a master of subtlety!

Roscoe (Jul 19, 2006, 23:24):
Oh, and Thaddeus… Just that title on the book by itself was rather… interesting…

Roscoe (Jul 19, 2006, 23:21):
Dang it. No wonder theres been no new comics. My bookmark wouldn’t take me to the updated site page each time. Doh! Hmm, maybe it will work now?

If I enlarge the comic I can read the text on the book just fine. If you learn *anything* from reading this comic at all, never ignore the background or the slightly out of focus details (I use “out of focus” both figuratively and literally)…

Final comment: Yes, forums would be rather cool. It might actually give you an accurate number of how many people actually read this comic. 😛

Plippy (Jul 19, 2006, 13:52):
I also should be setting up a new forum for this site… maybe. I dunno. I kinda like the discussions we have in this comments sidebar, but I’d also like to talk to people without having the conversation disappear once a new page is added….

Plippy (Jul 19, 2006, 5:24):
Note to self: redo text on Thad’s book… it’s pretty difficult to read. (BTW, the title of the book is supposed to say “How To Win Friends”)

One Response to “Dude… when you live in Lodi, did you”

  1. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    Just so you know, the book title had since been changed from “How To Win Friends” to “Romeo and Juliet”. I felt it was an inappropriate title for a book, and that “Romeo and Juliet” was a bit more towards what Thad would read.

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.