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OK, here’s the first new comic in well over a week. Nothing special, but I’m just setting the stage for Act 2 of Chapter 3.

BTW, while I’m gonna keep the regular updates flowing, inbetween things I will start working on revising bits of dialogue and art in Chapter 2, as well as make enlarged versions of Moose River Regular (what parts of Chapter 1 I’m missing), as well as Moose River Deluxe. At least now I have the time for it. 😀

Sorry, I’ve been MIA for a little bit. Blame it on school. This past week was finals week, so I didn’t get around to any comics. Worse, I’ve hit a bit of writer’s block. I don’t think I’ll have any comics until, like… Monday? I’ll see what I can scrape up.

Fortunately though, summer is now upon me! Huzzah! That means more comics and on a more regular basis. Hopefully. We’ll see. Oh, this also means that I’m gonna be doing some other comic projects too. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna circumvent regular Moose River Regular pages like I did with Muusugawa no Nihon. But uhm… I will be doing a side comics as well. Keep an eye out for a link to a نَهْر موظ (Nahir al-Muz) proof of concept short story sometime over the summer. Maybe even a Moose River Retails short story as well. I just want to be really really productive this summer! … Does anyone know anything about the Arabic language? I do realize that the Arabic phrase I posted is for the words “moose” and “river” in Arabic. But I also notice that “al-muz” is missing the “al-” letters, leaving just “muz”. Now is the “al-” part implied, or is it actually supposed to be written (as in نَهْر الموظ)?

BTW, if you click on “enlarge this comic”, you’ll be treated to a larger version of today’s… picture. But the difference is that now I’ve set up a super special HIGH DEFINITION version of the site, for you big monitor users. (OK, well not EVERYTHING has been enlarged, like the navigation or the font size… but I’m working on that!) But at least now you can go through the entire comic and read it in ENLARGED MODE. … Well, not exactly ALL the comics, because I have yet to enlarge-convert some of the earlier comics. I’ll work on that over the summer.

Oh uhm… today’s drawing is a silly little thing out of my sketch book.

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.