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July 26th, 2008

Actually… fucking me isn’t to woeful. But anyways….

Woe is me! Woe is me! I hit up the San Diego Comic Con this year and check out all the cool shit they have every year and all the other very obvious reasons. So I work out a place to stay, catch a flight down there, and walk up to the Registration area Wednesday and said “Hey, gimme a ticket for today and tomorrow.” But alas my attempts were thwarted because of one minor change to the SDCC’s policies: NO ON-SITE REGISTRATION! PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY!


I spent all that money to fly down there, I spent all that cash renting a car, I spend all that money renting a Motel 6 for six fucking nights and what did it get me? NOTHING! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!

[deep breath]

…Actually I’m not so pissed about this; I lied about all the money I spent. I flew down for free ‘cuz my brother works for an awesome airline company so I get his flight benefits. My cousin lives in San Diego so I got free lodging while down there and use of her car. The only real thing I’m bugged about was I wasn’t able to chill with my Chi-town homies and other folk I’ve been meaning to meet IRL.

Fortunately too, seeing as I really didn’t want to spend an entire weekend down in San Diego for nothing, my cousin needed to return back to SF to pick some stuff up (she was in the process of moving), so I hitched a ride with her.

So…. oh well, better luck next year.

7 Responses to “WOE IS FUCKING ME!”

  1. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    TOM: Yah, if I knew I wouldn’t have gone. But on the upside, I was able to gain something extremely important from the trip.

  2. BJ sezzzzz:


  3. xenacanthus sezzzzz:

    Sorry to hear it, man. I know what it’s like to lose $$$ on an endeavor like this. Sounds like khrome had problems too.

  4. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    BJ: Jopes is the Moose River krew’s lingo for black tar heroin or opium, whichever they can get their hands on.

    XENACANTHUS: Well the upside is that I didn’t lose much money on it to begin with. I got a free flight and free housing, which would have been the more expensive parts of the trip.

    And BTW, nice to see you ’round these parts, Xen! I was wondering when you (and everyone else as NuKS for that matter) would pop on by for a spell. What do you think of the story so far?? 🙂

  5. BJ sezzzzz:

    Yeah.. i knew that already, did you notice how it was a reply to where you said you got something extemely important from the trip? as in getting jopes… 9.9

  6. mayor of moose river sezzzzz:

    BJ: Oh OK. OOooh I see what you mean. No, no jopes were involved in the San Diego trip. I just learn some important lessons about life and so forth, etc etc etc. 🙂

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
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