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Live from Maryland, it’s Otakon! And it’s a “new” page too! Now just as a reminder: I say “new” because this page doesn’t currently exist in the archives. However, truth is that this page was originally done up last October, but I took it down because it (and others) conflicted with the pacing of the story. That also explains why there is a huge gap in updates if you check out the archive calender. However, it now fits in perfectly. 🙂

Oh and yeah, this weekend is Otakon. And if you haven’t already heard me harping about it before, I’m having a booth there. Today’s the first day, so I really don’t have anything to say about it. I’ll give you guys a big-ass report on it later.

OH! If anyone is visiting this site for the first time ever, WELCOME TO MOOSE RIVER! I really hope you like my story, lots of other people have! It’s a good story, one that I’m sure you can relate to (provided you’re a twenty-something living in a populated, Western, Christian-dominated society).

Anyways, I hope you’ll stick around for more! Adios!

ORIGINAL POST: 11/13/2006
Boy, what a hellish past couple of weeks since the last page. I won’t bore you with details of it, but it involves two major programming assignments. In any case, they’re done and over with.

However, surprise surprise, I have two or three midterms this week. Then I go on vacation Saturday to LA to help my brother move back to SF. However, in keeping with my goal average of being able to at least do like nine or ten pages a month, I plan on getting some comics done this week. In fact, I guarentee 100% that there will be at least three this week (including this one). Maybe even more! I say 100% guarentee for at least three because I made them ahead of time! 🙂 Hopefully I can get two more in. I’d like to….

Anyways, come by again shortly… the next page will reveal the truth to a certain mystery!

2 Responses to “Mannn….”

  1. Jamie sezzzzz:

    woah, this is new. Looks good.

  2. Paul Schroeder sezzzzz:

    Three guys drinking at a sleazy bar talking about how long its been since they fucked……..hahaha….. ain’t that the truth!

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.