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Chapter 3 Revised!

February 13th, 2007


It’s been taking me a while to go back through the archives, page by page, and revise them. I finally hit my first milestone- I got all of Chapter 3 in the new revised format. I spent most of today finishing off the last five pages. I really should have been doing a new page, but…. oh well.

I’m still slightly disappointed with myself for taking so long with this chapter… but this is a really tough chapter to write. I do have the next three pages already scripted, but that doesn’t help you much, does it? Oh well…. at least I’m learning about how to write comics, which is all I really wanted to get out of doing Moose River. 🙂

I’m working on page #27 in the chapter. Now seeing as I want to create a number of pages that fit nicely into a minicomic, I have to make Chapter 4 either 34, 38, or 42 pages. 34 pages cuts the chapter short, and 42 pages is way too long (that’s like another 16 pages). I might end up making it about 38 pages, that should give me enough of a chance to fill things out and give a rightful conclusion to this Godforsaken chapter. Then I can move onto something else!

One Response to “Chapter 3 Revised!”

  1. Roscoe sezzzzz:

    “Do you think you’re better than everyone else?” Someone had to ask it. Nicely done, Shea. 😛

    Guess in the middle of opium smoking is the right time.


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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.