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I’m not dead! I’m just… Pining for the Fjords!

December 4th, 2010

I swear to you guys that I’m not dead. In fact, I wat to say that I love you ALL! Also, even if I’m not making new Moose River pagers, it’s still not dead to me… I chose “writing” as my career choice and “comics” as my means… I even did a presentation in my Creative Writing class using/about Moose River! I’ll post it online to prove that I still wanna do Moose River!

Actually, I also wanna spend a moment to tell you guys that I’m working on a new mini-comic, which maybe will help me get my juices flowing again for Moose River. It’s called ADVENTUREBATTLEMON! It’s gonna be a Pokémon parody/homage that I’ve been kicking around for some time now, inspired by Jeffrey Brown’s Transformer’s parody/homage “Incredible Change-Bots”.

I was inspired to write ADVENTUREBATTLEMON after poking around /vp/ on 4chan and getting a kick out of the Pokémon related comics there. So I figure I would just rip ’em off, change “Pokémon” to “Adventurebattlemon” and I’ll be in Wincity! LULZ! But seriously, I won’t rip ’em off, I’m capable of writing my own jokes… I think. We’ll see.

OK so the background to Adventurebattlemon (or stylized as AdvéntürêbãttlÄ“møn) is… well, lesse. First off, back in the day during the time of my old Pokémon fansite (Pokémon Aaah), I created a new version of Pokémon called “Pokémon USA“. It was also helped into being by Mr. Terry Tibke and his brother Brian. Between the two of us we created 149 new Pokémon, characters, gyms, and whatnot… but apart from some story foundations and a simple DOS game made by my friend Jimmy Cannon, the idea went nowhere.

Fastforward to 2008 when I discovered Jeffrey Brown’s Transformers homage/parody, “Incredible Change-bots”, which inspired me to make my own parody/homage? But what do I love as much as Transformers that I can not only parodize, but is also part of my potential reader’s personal psyche? POKÉMON!! I then remembered that I had a whole world that I didn’t get to use, and with Terry’s blessings (and credit), Adventurbattlemon was born.

The story itself will be slightly tweaked from the original “Pokémon USA” idea… Like, oddly enough, I didn’t create Starter Pokémon for PUSA, it just started with some random Pokémon. So, I’ll need to fix that. I’ll also create new Poké–er… Adventurebattlemon that are based on specific Pokémon and related memes and jokes, like Slowpoke, Mudkip, Bidoof, Gardevoir, and so on. I might be able to use existing PUSA Pokémon for them (like I have a Bidoof-esque PUSA guy called “Grounder”), but for the most part I’ll just make new guys. The other guys that already exist will still be part of it. The story itself will cover the Pokémon franchise as a whole, so it’ll have jokes based on the general franchise, the anime, the video games, and everything else. Whee!

I’m first gonna make twenty to thirty-six page minicomic which’ll be an overall, general summary of the style of the main series, just as a sort of “pilot” for the main series later on… But I’ll just stick with the minicomic first and work on the main series much MUCH later (at least after I finish Moose River).

So…, once I start working on Adventurebattlemon, I’ll be sure to post them here. It may mot be Moose River (though the “Adventurebattlemon” franchise will be owned by Durochi Systems and be a nostalgia trip for Anne and Shea), but at least it’s something new.

See you in two years!!

3 Responses to “I’m not dead! I’m just… Pining for the Fjords!”

  1. SunshineDuk sezzzzz:

    OH MY GOD. This is the best news I have heard in years. I have been a fan of yours since about 1999, when I first discovered PA! I was but nine years old at the time. Cripes. I am fairly certain I printed out the Pokemon USA poster and put it on my wall. It even inspired me to get together with my friends and make our own set of Pokemon and fake cards… I’ve still got a bunch of the cards, crappily hand-drawn and laminated.

    So wow, having Pokemon USA come back is… a gloriously wonderful blast from my childhood. I’M EXCITED! 😀


  2. SunshineDuk sezzzzz:

    Oh yes, I’m quite patient at this point, I assure you. : ]

    As for how I found the comic… I was reminiscing with a childhood friend a year or so ago about PA!, and idly wondered what you were up to. So I googled nick15 and found my way here! I was thoroughly delighted to find you still active and still making awesome stuff!


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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.