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Welcome to the official bjournal of Moose River!

December 28th, 2006

This is a lame replacement for the News River, but it allows me to have some candid conversations with you guys without taking up much of News River‘s space. Plus it reintroduces the Comments feature, something I really miss ever since the spammers spammed it to death. This thing also looks rather ugly… cleaning it up to look a bit more appropriate will be something I’m gonna fix in due time.

Anyways, this is a bjournal (pronounced byer-nal) for the site. I call it a bjournal because:
1. I hate the word blog
2. I’d call it a blag, but then I’d just be copying xkcd
3. No one else seems to call their online postings a “bjournal”, so it’s a fresh, new name I can use!

It’ll slowly be populated by random junk and musings of mine… whatever’s going on in my head will appear here. I’ll also try to get you guys to post comments without having to register for an account or anything, just to encourage people to comment. The only difference now is that I gotta approve comments now before the appear; this’ll only just help me moderate spam posts without having to do anything. I’ll figure out a good routine for this in due time. I hope you guys start commenting again… I miss seeing your comments, and you never post in the forum…. 🙁

That’s all I got for right now. Schools out, so now all my free time I filled up with work. But the upside with that is that I never have to take my work home with me, so all my free time is spent on the site. Isn’t that grand? OK, toodles…..

Oh! One other thing… after doing some research, it turns out I’ve got some American-Indian blood in me. WOAH!

5 Responses to “Welcome to the official bjournal of Moose River!”

  1. Plippy sezzzzz:

    Oooh, first post!

  2. Roscoe sezzzzz:

    Hmm, never was part of a “Bjournal” before. Might be fun. And you’re right. It is ugly. But at least its easy on the eyes (pages with black backgrounds rule).

    Still reading.


  3. mayorofmooseriver sezzzzz:

    If anything, I think I might just throw in a title, the Tracker, and recolor the links to more Moose River appropriate colors.

  4. videowizard2007 sezzzzz:

    There’s a real place called Moose River, so you know. It’s an actual river that flows from the hills of Northern Ontario into James Bay. The REAL Polar Express crosses it on the way to Moosonee, considered the northern end of “southern” civilization. I’d like to go there some time, and in fact, that’s how I found this site.

  5. mayorofmooseriver sezzzzz:

    There’s a few real Moose Rivers, and a few Moose Rivers as well. I don’t know where I got the name to be honest, I suppose it came to me in a dream…. it was a good dream I suppose!

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Moose River
by Philippe Van Lieu
—Fully Charged - June 27th, 2019—

From the bottom of my heart (and the bottom of this page): thank you very much for reading my comics.

Nick15, all related subjects, and all text are ©1996-2019 Philippe Van Lieu
All else are copyright of their respective owners. Used without permission. Dang.